
Romantic things to do for your boyfriend that he will always remember

A revolutionary full guide to hit into the best things for him

Healthy relationships require open and honest communication. If you don’t speak your partner’s love language, it’s very likely that he won’t know that you really care about him. You must be ready to learn the love language of your partner if you want him/her to feel loved.


Our revolutionary full guide

How to find the best thing to do for your boyfriend (step by step 2022 guide)

There are five love languages, i.e. five basic ways in which people express and understand love. Of course, within each of these five languages, there are countless “dialects”, that is, variations in their expression. What is important is that you speak the love language of your partner.

1. First love language: Words and compliments

One of the ways of expressing love is to say encouraging words, which means verbal confirmations of love. When you tell your partner something like: “That suit looks great on you” or “You make the best coffee”, “No one makes me smile like you”, you are telling him what you like about him, thereby confirming that you appreciate him and recognize his qualities.

Everyone needs warm words like this. And while we think that some things are taken for granted and that our partner knows what we appreciate about him, in fact very often they are not aware of it. Therefore, if he likes to express your love with words, then you should do that often.

2. Second love language: Acts of service

Actions such as cooking, setting the table, washing the dishes, organizing the closet, taking out the trash, changing the baby’s diapers, dusting, cleaning the garage, and walking the dog – are all acts of service. These actions may not mean much to you, but if you recognize them as your partner’s love language, it may be time to start practicing them more often.

All of them require prior thinking, planning, as well as an investment of time, energy, and effort. By doing something for your partner, you want to make him feel happy, loved and precious. Such jobs are truly works of love, especially if you do them in a positive spirit.

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3. Third love language: Receiving gifts

This is not about buying expensive gifts, but about little things that have sentimental value. For many, it is the way we can communicate with feelings. The essence is in the symbolism. In other words, it doesn’t matter how much you spend, but if your partner speaks this love language, then they probably see gifts as a sign that you’re thinking of them.

You can buy, find or make gifts, and if you are ready to listen to your partner when he talks about the things he likes, you will very easily find gifts that are in line with his taste, which conveys the message of love even more strongly.

4. Fourth love language: Quality time together

One of the ways of expressing love is the time you set aside and spend with your partner. However, it is not enough to just stay in the same room with your partner or be in the same place, but the key thing is to give your partner your full focused attention.

Quality time spent as a language has different aspects, the most important of which are spending quality time together, having the best conversations, and performing activities together.

In a world where people spend hours on their mobile devices, time together is often forgotten, leading to more fights with the partner, unstable relationships, and being unhappy, especially if this love language is the one they identify with.

5. The fifth love language: Physical touch

According to Dr. Chapman says “All that I am is contained in my bodyTouching my body means touching me. Withdrawing from my body means emotionally distancing yourself from me.” For this reason, physical contact is essential as an expression of love. In moments of crisis, most people almost instinctively try to hug their partner.

Physical touch also fulfills the human need for emotional closeness. We can say a lot in that language. For example, it is often enough just to pat someone on the shoulder to acknowledge or express praise.

Best things to do for your boyfriend if his love language is Words of affirmation

Write him a song, letter or poem

If your boyfriend’s love of language is words of affirmation, one of the most romantic things to do for your boyfriend is to write him a song. This is the best way to show him how you feel about him.

Music is not just something that entertains you and gives you something to dance to. There is much more to a song than just lyrics or rhythm. If you are a musician, it will be very easy to write a special song for him, and you can sing it to him on a special occasion.

You can also write the song on cute love paper, which will make the gift adorable and unique.

Romantic quote

As a great idea is to write him a love note and leave it next to his morning coffee. It can say ‘Have a beautiful day, my love’, ‘I love you like I love my morning coffee’, and similar.

It will put a cute smile on his face. Starting the day with a smile has lots of benefits, such as less stress, more energy, better focus and concentration, and better handling the daily tasks.

With that romantic note, you can give him a kiss on the neck or on the cheek for the moment to be even more lovely.

Show off your boyfriend on social media

Just show off how good it is. This will make him feel more secure and loved.

Best things to do for your boyfriend if his love language is Acts of service

Make his favorite dinner

First, decide in which room you will host the dinner date for him. This can be the kitchen, but you can also serve dinner in any other room. Yes, even in the bathroom, if you plan to stay in it after your snack. The main thing is to create an intimate atmosphere.

To make a romantic dinner, take down the curtains, and light up the candles. You can choose his favorite foods, or it can be vegetable salad, chicken, or shrimp in combination with vegetables and herbs.

These events are sacred, and he will remember them for the rest of his life. Even after many years, they still inspire a happy smile.

Prepare the bedroom

Prepare the living room or the bedroom to watch your favorite movies and make it as cozy as possible. Put some pillows on the floor or on the sofa, to look more like you are at the theater. Cuddling together on the bed or on the sofa, and having a romantic night is another way to get closer to each other.

Don’t forget your popcorn and candy. Some snack during the movie is a great way to bond with each other, especially some fruit with hot chocolate.

Or you can buy 2 tickets and go to a movie theater, have some popcorn and surprise him. After that, you can have a candlelit dinner or you can do other cute things.

A birthday surprise

You can make your own selection of surprise gifts for him. This is a DIY gift made from a wooden box with memory photo tags lined up one after the other.

Also, you can throw him a big surprise for his birthday. The place of the celebration should not be the main feature of the birthday party.

It doesn’t matter if you are planning a party in a fancy restaurant or in the backyard of your house. What matters is the love and attention you give to the birthday person.

However, when we talk about the celebration, you need to organize yourself and figure out where the birthday will be held. Make a list of guests, whom the birthday boy would like to see on his birthday, and invite them. Let them be part of the surprise.

Best things to do for your boyfriend if his love language is Receiving gifts

Buy him a men’s underwear

If his love language is receiving gifts, you shouldn’t wait for his birthday. You can also give him some small and unique gifts on a regular day.

Take the leap and choose sexy underwear with an interesting design that will boost your partner’s confidence and make the day full of your passion and love!

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Don’t think that your man would never do or wear something you’re not used to. When you prepare for your intimate night, he will be ready for everything.

Tickets for sports games

If he is a fan of football, basketball, and other sport, buy him a ticket to watch his favorite game. If you want to join him you can go with him. However, you can buy one more ticket for his best friend so they can enjoy the game together.

Giving him something he can enjoy means you care about him and you want to be happy when he is outside with his friends, not only with you.

Sports and comfortable clothes

Comfortable sportswear is something every man desire. Every man enjoys casual pieces of clothing that they can wear every day, both at home and when going out with friends.

That’s why if you decide to buy your boyfriend a comfortable tracksuit, sweatshirt, training shirt, or some other piece of sportswear, you won’t go wrong.

Men always need a new sport piece, especially those who train regularly (whether they go to the gym or organize football with friends on weekends).

In order to ensure that you buy him exactly what he needs, listen to which sportswear he mentions most often because in his daily story you can find the answer to the question of what to choose.

The jersey of his favorite foreign club

If your boyfriend loves a foreign club, and you know he doesn’t already own their jersey, this kind of gift can be a real hit. Head to one of the many sports stores and find a jersey that matches football boots.

These jerseys are usually of high quality and at a good price, and represent a real treasure in the world of passionate fans, which is why it is almost certain that you will make the right move by purchasing one.

If, on the other hand, he is someone who is a big fan of famous domestic and foreign goalkeepers, try to find a pair of goalkeeper gloves with their signature on them.

Pay him for an activity that will entertain him

If he likes romantic surprises, you can choose from kart racing, horseback riding, and shooting range, because men really enjoy various activities that encourage them to move, think and use their dexterity.

You can choose one of the above, or an activity of your choice, and provide your boyfriend with a couple of hours of quality entertainment, which they will surely talk about. Let him be a guy’s night.

Also, if you are in the mood to try one of the mentioned activities, we advise you to pay for both (some of the ones mentioned even require a team, so you can decide whether you will be a part of it or not).

Best things to do for your boyfriend if his love language is Quality time together

Tickets for a concert

Whether it is a music festival or his favorite band is having a concert in your city, experiencing live music together is something that will strengthen your relationship. Spending some quality time together is another investment to keep your serious relationship strong.

Buy 2 tickets and make memories together. Listen to your favorite songs together and have the best romantic date night.

If it’s in another city, make it an event. Book a hotel room and go on a road trip. You will spend time together while you travel, and while you explore the city. Take a walk and eat in your favorite restaurant before going to the concert.

Taking pictures will mark the moments.

Go on a picnic

Make some food and put all the veggies, fruit, and wine in a picnic basket. One of the most romantic things to do for your boyfriend is to take him on a picnic. You can also bring a blanket if it is a little cold or windy.

You will talk for hours, drinking wine, eating chocolate-covered strawberries, holding hands, and cuddling under the blanket. You can prepare it for a special occasion or just to show how much you love him. He’ll feel your love for sure.

Going to a movie theater

In addition, the best romantic date ideas are going to a theater together and watching romantic movies. This is a romantic idea to do on your first date too.

“The notebook” is a romantic movie that you will both enjoy. It is a very romantic way to bond together even more.

By some popcorn and have your unforgettable movie night. After the movie, this romantic day can continue with a night walk through the park, having some night talks, and enjoying together the rest of the day.

Taking a dance class

Going to a club with your partner is a great idea to bond with each other. Dancing together, while his arms are on your waist is a passionate movement, that will strengthen your relationship and sex life.

You can go alone, or you can bring your family members and have a fun time together. Dancing will bring emotions, feelings, and connection. The physical touch is more than just words.

The intimate moments with your partner matter. So, take your partner, choose your favorite club, and dance like nobody is watching.

Go to a club

Going to a club with your partner is a great idea to bond with each other. Dancing together, while his arms are on your waist is a passionate movement, that will strengthen your relationship and intimate life.

You can go alone, or you can bring your family members and have a fun time together. Dancing will bring emotions, feelings, and connection. The physical touch is more than just words.

The intimate moments with your partner matter. So, take your partner, choose your favorite club, and dance like nobody is watching.

Best things to do for your boyfriend if his love language is Physical touch

Full body (romantic) massage

When he comes home from work, a great way to relax him is to give him a full body massage. Feeling his skin while you massage his body gives a sensation that you both will feel.

Prepare the bedroom with dim lights, cover the bed with a blanket, and get aroma oil. You can play a piece of romantic music and start massaging him on the neck, shoulders, and back. After the massage, take some time to hug and cuddle with your partner, and prepare him his favorite dish.

He’ll love the touch of your fingers on his body, which is even sexier and sweet that will make it want you even more at that moment.

Bubble bath

Creating a bubble bath, together with wine and some snacks and then joining him, are one of the best romantic things to do for your boyfriend. The bath brings passion between you because it adds additional touches.

You can prepare him the hot tub in the morning or at night. If it’s in the morning, you can bring breakfast with some romantic notes aside. Put some scented candles around the bathtub, put a few drops of essential oil, add bath salts, and turn on some relaxed and romantic music.

You can buy all these sweet things in the supermarket. Have a romantic night and relax with your partner while you exchange some kisses and give some hugs and touches.

Kiss him more often

Whether he is going to work, or he just came back from a busy day he had, give him a sweet kiss on his cheek on lips. Kissing your partner will build passion, closeness, and intimacy.

When you go for a walk, hold his hand, or hug him. It’s a very sweet and romantic thing to do while you are having long walks in the park or somewhere else.

When you kiss him out of nowhere, he’ll feel loved, because you are paying him attention not only for special occasions. That’s the key to a successful relationship.

A casual physical contact during conversation

Having a physical touch during a conversation it’s really romantic, sweet, and comfortable. Touching can be more than intimate. It can also bring comfort, stress relief, and peace.

You can touch his hair, his hand, his neck or any other body part. Whether you are talking about something serious or laughing together, it is a nice gesture, because it means you carry about him.

My personal experience and final thoughts

Maintaining a healthy and strong relationship isn’t easy. Although it is possible that you may lose the spark from time to time because, well, “that’s life”.

However, that does not mean that it is lost forever. You can lose it and recreate it a million times. The best thing is that literally, anything can bring back that spark.

Little things can make more than buying expensive stuff. Learn what your partner likes the most, like the things we mentioned in this article, and strengthen your relationship.

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